Maritime Law


Maritime law, directly or indirectly affects businesses around the world. Increased global trade, rising energy costs, ever-stricter environmental regulations have converged making this industry ever- changing. Our maritime legal division provides an efficient legal support in maritime disputes resolution and drafting all types of maritime contracts. We employ our professional expertise together with prompt action to carry out procedures and take decisions in maritime claims

Our expertise in shipping is derived from the firm’s close ties with the industry and many years of substantial experience. These include cargo, collision, injury claims, and claims over bills of lading, demurrage, marine insurance, maritime fraud, and creating and enforcing security interests or maritime liens.

We assist in the registration and crewing of vessels for both domestic and foreign corporations including labor and employment matters, handle all cases of maritime casualty and provide legal services associated with maritime-related businesses.

  • Admiralty, Brokerage and Cargo claims
  • Maritime collision accidents
  • Drafting contracts for the sale, purchase and building of vessels.
  • Marine insurance.
  • Claims related to vessel's hull and machinery insurance
  • Drafting maritime contracts, reviewing of investments and providing legal assistance.
  • Vessel registration, finance and mortgage
  • Cargo, Freight and dangerous substance transportation
  • Admiralty, Brokerage and Cargo claims
  • Environmental issues and pollution
  • Issues arising out of maritime pollution.
  • Appeal against seizure of a vessel and its release.